Michelle V. Encarnacion gives back to community

It was Christmas once again for children in Bacacay, Albay as Elite Mrs. International Philippines 2019 Michelle Vitug Encarnacion donated school supplies to two schools in her hometown in Bicol.

Encarnacion, owner of the popular Belmere Skin Care Centre, made the donation during her homecoming to the province recently.

The donations were part of her education campaign dubbed "Lapis at Papel" which aims to help children in depressed areas.

School beneficiaries were Tanagan Elementary School and Caguiba National High School. She plans to expand her education advocacy program not just in Bicol but nationwide.

"I value education so much and I want the poor children to finish school because having a good education is so important. I want to instill that in their mind," said the beauty queen.

During her trip to Bicol, Encarnacion paid a courtesy call to Albay Governor Alfrancis Bichara, Vice Gov. Edcel Lagman, Mayor Armando Romano, and Vice Mayor Divina Gracia Bonavente.

Encarnacion, whio just turned 42, will represent the Philippines in the Elite Mrs. International 2020 beauty pageant which will be held in Singapore later this year. - Robert Requintina/Images by Josh Gozum Rodriguez.


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