LTO modernization pushed

Despite the call of President Rodrigo Duterte for a clean and honest government, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) remains allegedly one of the most corrupt government agencies in the country, according to a non-government organization.

In a statement, The Filipino Alliance for Transparency and Empowerment (FATE) said the LTO is still confronted with the problems of alleged corruption, manual system in car registration and fixers.

Jo Perez, FATE spokesperson, cited the long daily lines of people at the LTO particularly at its main office in Quezon City, allegedly having so many fixers in and out of the LTO offices, stenciling and fake emission testing, faking of physical and medical results from those who get and renew their driver’s license, giving of “already answered sheet” to applicants of driver’s license and faking of the results of smoking belching clearance.

FATE has conducted a research together with United Filipino Consumers and Commuters and BadAss Elite Pilipinas.

FATE added that in addition to the alleged corrupt practices, the Filipino people is also losing P4 billion a year as they need to be absent from their work just to be able to go to the LTO and register their vehicles, the research said.

It was estimated that one needs to spend at least five hours at the LTO to register a vehicle.

Because of this, a vehicle owner loses two days of income whether he is a government or private employee based on the daily minimum wage, the same study showed.

Perez also said that a joint press conference will be held today, May 29, on the delayed modernization of LTO and the need for an online car registration and a call to end corruption at the government agency. It will be held at the Kamuning Bakery in Quezon City at 10 a.m.

TAGS: LTO, FATE, BadAss Elite Pilipinas, transportation, car registration, corruption, fixers, vehicles, government, President Rodrigo Duterte


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